Peek into my life 92


When I see a cat, I'll pet.

For his birthday, we played this Escaperoom City Tour in Dordrecht, it was fun!

Het Markiezenhof
πŸ“Bergen op Zoom
My little solo museum visit at this old Marquis palace 'Markiezenhof'. 

There's an audio guide for the artwork hanging around the Markiezenhof. 

I love wondering and snooping around at the old chambers, giving me Bridgerton vibes. 

This claimed to be the oldest pair of glasses in Europe. 

I thought this was a real dog :( 

Villa Augustus Lunch time 
I have mentioned Villa Augustus before about how wonderful this restaurant is, and it is still one of my favourites. 
One of the prettiest places in Holland: is Westenschouwen. It has a beach, dunes everywhere, and a forest, and just a lovely place to hike. 

Forest meets beach, beach meets forest. 

Who doesn't love a picturesque town like Ghent?

I was here with N. and S. and we basically ate our way through Ghent. 

My new favourite coffee place that serves a-MAZING vegan croissants: WAY Plant Based Bake House

A little souvenir from Aux Merveilleux de Fred, nom nom. 
Game night with friends. 

And it comes with a cheeseboard. 

Sky view on one of our first (hike) dates. 

My Cake Resume from the past
I've made chocolate cake at Labors Day first of May


πŸ“⁩Brabantse Wal
The Brabantse Wal is a beautiful piece of Dutch landscape. Truly, there are trees, hilly paths, and some parts look like the savannah. 

I've made us lunch :)

35 KM Mallard Mars rout πŸ₯Ύ
I've decided I can walk and finish 35km (21 miles) and signed up for this Mallard Mars walk. You can choose a 35km route like we did, but there were 5 km, and 12 km walks too. But we have strong calves and we ain't no pussies, 35km here we come!

The Mallard Mars started at a very very early morning :( and I'm not a morning person. 

Around every 5km, there's a stamppost and the opportunity to have bathroom breaks. 

The sun started coming out, and I could finally look around more. 

Hello cow!

Lunchtime. I've brought sushi as a treat and motivation to keep going. 

We also collected litter on the road. 

It was tough but we've made it! I'm not gonna lie, the last few km were tough. I could barely walk back to the car. But that medallion is mine!
I feel like I post about Ghent in almost every blogpost that I've posted so far.
But again, Ghent is just a wonderful Belgium city. You should all visit it someday!

Food & Adventures
Being a +1 at a fancy pantsy dinner at his work. 

At Ypres (Belgium) | Supporting at his marathon | Supporting at his shopping for new clothes :)

Always love a good game night with friends.

For S. it's birthday we went to see a musical called 'Soldaat van Oranje' which I thought it was great! Too bad S. fell asleep throughout almost the whole show :( 

Duke of Tokyo
Alley of Tokyo? No no, Duke of Tokyo is actually a karaoke place :)

A karaoke place where you can order drinks and cocktails. 


We also went Korean BBQ and it was such a fun and wholesome day with my brothers.

Take away from Noo.Me 

Delicious matcha.

Homemade Cakes
I was very proud of my coffee cake with ombre meringue

I've made a chocolate cake sandwich with strawberries. 

Eating ice cream at one of my favourite ice cream parlour with S. and N. 

Kings Day Rotterdam

The sweetest. 

Lemon raspberry meringue pie. A true summer pie in my opinion.  

Eating in the Smakenrad
Last Summer I had breakfast and lunch at the 'Smakenrad', literally means Wheel of Taste. It is a ferris wheel with a restaurant in it, a fun getaway in my opinion. 

The wheel is also 70m (229,659 feet) high so the view was far and wide at the top part of the wheel. 

The lunch platter. And it was nice and fine overall but it was a little bit pricey overall. Especially because drinks are not included. 

The breakfast platter and the amount were huge! I couldn't finish the whole thing and again, drinks (except the orange juice) were not included in the price. 

When the weather is fine, the view and temperature are great. But when the sky is grey and it's windy, is very cold up there. And sometimes the carriage swings lightly back and front... 

Thanks to a colleague, I've discovered Loverendale Ter Linde, a farmer's shop with an amazing bakery.
I've almost bought everything in their bakery. 

Me and the colleagues!

Shanghai Papa hightea
J., R. and me had a sublime hightea at this fusion Asian French-ish restaurant.

Yes for dimsum in high teas!

Our table was so pretty and colourful decorated!

After the savoury part here comes the sweet part with pastries and lovely dessert bites.



  1. The desserts you baked - yum!! It looks like you're having a brilliant time

    1. Thank you very much Rooth! I need to get back with my bakings really, maybe in the upcoming Autumn I'll be more motivated πŸ™πŸ»


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