Meet my lil brother I



This long time no blogging becomes really natural to me. Almost feeling comfy.
Until my SD card inside my camera screams for deep cleaning of images and reminds me that I need to honor them in the platform.
I shall do that.

I want to honor my lil brother. 

He has autism and daily, he draws and paints in the facility that we have in Holland called 'daycare activity' for the disabled.
As I've mentioned before in the previous posts, my brother's work has been displayed in the museum Haus Der Kunst in Munich.
His work is also displayed somewhere else too, let's check that out! 


Deze lange tijd niet bloggen wordt voor mij vanzelfsprekend. Het voelt zelfs bijna fijn.
Totdat mijn SD-kaart in mijn camera schreeuwt dat de foto's ruimte qua geheugen inneemt en me eraan herinnert dat ik ze op het platform moet eren.
Dat ga ik doen.

Ik wil mijn kleine broer eren.

Hij heeft autisme en dagelijks zit hij op de dagbesteding en doet onder ander tekenen en schilderen. Eerder in een post heb ik verteld over zijn kunstwerken die in het museum Haus Der Kunst in München hangen. 
Zijn werk hangt ook ergens anders, laten we daar eens naar kijken! 
Meet KH in Mechelen! Mechelen is a city between Brussels and Antwerp in northern Belgium. And somewhere here lays the artworks.
Along with the caretakers we explored Mechelen.
KH does not say much, but I know that he likes exploring new places such as going to a new city like Mechelen.
Funky Jungle
For dinner we`ve made reservation at the Funky Jungle (love the name) restaurant and everything here is vegan!
KH is not a fuzzy eater and he`s like me: loves to eat.
disabled art?
The exhibition `Het Nieuwe Geniaal` is an encounter between contemporary artists and artists with a disability. There are artists involved from all over the world such as Belgium, the USA, and of course The Netherlands.
@Cultuurcentrum Mechelen
Here`s a detailed corner of what my brother draws.

KH's Work
People checking out my brothers art.


  1. Wonderful Art. Wish you the best. Greetings from Vienna

  2. Thanks for sharing your brother's art work with us - how freaking cool. You must be so proud of him

    1. I'm happy to hear you like my brothers artworks! And I am a proud sis!


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