Pre-Christmas thank you!


In the early December have received warm and pretty cards and generous gifts so far from my beloved online blogger colleagues and friends! Thank you so much, I feel blessed! A really good way to start Christmas right?

Wat heb ik lieve kaarten en gulle cadeautjes in de allermooiste verpakkingen ontvangen tot zo ver van mijn beste online blogger collega’s en vriendjes! Dank jullie wel hoor! Ik ben ontzettend blij en wat een ontzettende fijne manier om Kerstmis in te gaan!

Thank you from left to right: Damaris Dani and Juno, Jane, Carmen, V., Audrey (and for the cute paper stationery!), Jane, Jessy, Cindy and Louise

A little DIY project came with it and look Jessy! Did I do well with the penguin? 

Cadeautjes & presents

Thank you Carmen for the generous gifts! The cork wallet is so pretty (currently in love with cork) and such a great way to store hook pens and scissors indeed c: 
and Cindy you sure know how to put a smile on my face: green tea chocolate! Thank you so much and for panda key strap and crochet goodies!

 Me and Natalie did a little snack box swapping with the idea: snacks from our country! 
I got her Dutch snacks and Natalie got me this whole box filled with typical Australian snacks, why hello there!
Thank you Natalie! I sometimes spot these Tim Tams on tv and I always wonder how they taste like. Now I can, so thank you again! I'll let you know what I think about Vegemite in chocolate haha!

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