My M&S food haul
Apart having a lunch along
with Jessy & Yak Man for our blogmeet here, we also did a quick stroll
(because it was cold) through the shopping area of The Hague and this is
where I first time spot a Mark and Spencer in my country! My heart skipped a
beat as I really love M&S. Especially their (a bit overpriced) food
You all think I am overreacting
but please hear me out. M&S has left my country, the
I begged the girls to have a
quick look inside and so we did and conquered some tea’s and snacks!
M&S has pricier food but their food is super yummy! And if you like UK food like me then you know it's worth it.
Scroll down to see my mini
food haul!
Naast het lunchen met Jessy
& Yak Man voor onze blogmeet hier, hebben we ook een snelle wandeling
(want het was koud) gedaan door de winkelstraten van Den Haag en dit is waar
ik Mark en Spencer tegemoet kwam! Mijn hart maakte een sprongetje want ik ben
mega dol op M&S! Vooral hun (een beetje duur) etenswaren zijn mijn
Ja hoor, wat is er nou zo
bijzonder aan die Mark en Spencer denken jullie, maar luister: we hadden heel
lang geleden M&S gehad in Nederland maar de winkelketen verdween helaas
dus voor al mijn M&S behoeften moest ik naar UK of Hong Kong toe. Dus om
te zien dat de M&S is teruggekeerd was ik héél blij!
Ik smeekte de meisjes of we
een snelle boodschap konden maken en dat deden we gelukkig en we kwamen
buiten met een tas lekkere hapjes en thee c: Als je net als ik dol ben op Engelse eten dan is M&S wel iets voor jou!
Zien wat ik allemaal heb gekocht? Scroll naar beneden!

This is actually a present from Jessy c: She sure kept her pokerface up when we walked through the Mark and Spencer shop! Thank you!
The next morning:
Scotch pancakes!
I went a bit to enthusiastic with the first batch. Blame my growling stomach...
And boy, these Scotch pancakes were super tasty! I also spread some butter + apple syrup on top of it but since the pancakes itself is sweet already I think I preferred it without the syrup c:
It's so funny to me seeing pancakes being made in a toaster! I've only done it with waffles haha, but now that I think about it I guess it works out :P
ReplyDeleteThe teas and strawberry and cream drops packaging is so pretty. I can imagine your excitement with M&S, all their store branded packaging is really simple and cute.
becky ♡ star violet
These are looking so adorable and yummy !
The tea packages are so pretty! I would probably pick up a few packages to decorate my room with and make it look a tad happier.
ReplyDeleteI've never tried M&S food (there's no M&S in Australia) but I like the packaging, it's so fancy!
ReplyDeleteThe tea looks absolutely delicious! And the boxes are cute. So happy to M&S is back :)
ReplyDeleteI love the packaging of the tea! Mmmm all that candy.. I've gotten packaged foods like pancakes before, but I've always eaten them straight out of the bag. Next time I'll try toasting them like you have and maybe they'll taste more fresh :) I'll be careful not to burn them, or else the fire alarm in my dorm will go off hahah -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's
ReplyDeleteOh boy, the tea packaging is so cute I'd always buy it solely for display purposes, lol. The strawberry and cream drops sound really yummy and I'd love to try Scotch pancakes sometime c:
ReplyDeleteThe pancakes look so yummy! ox
ReplyDeleteOhhh, so cute! The packaging for the teas are adorable! Just that itself would make me buy the tea haha <3 Lol, well truthfully, I'd buy any of the products I see on here O__O
Mmmm everything looks so good! I wish there was M&S in the US too :(
ReplyDeleteMy mother loves those teas! She always has a huge stash...a stash that's so great we will never run out! I love those pancakes they look awesome! Hahah, your toaster oven is seriously powerful! I have the issue with mine at times we my bad estimations!
ReplyDeleteI love the packaging for the tea! So adorable.
ReplyDeleteThe pancakes look yummy! How I wish Taipei had M&S too ^^
ReplyDeleteAa wat jammer dat de eerste batch niet gelukt waren, maar de tweede keer ziet er al veel beter uit! Het was heeeel gezellig. Gaan we zeker weer doen en alstuuu, vind het nog steeds erg hilarisch xD
ReplyDeleteThe packaging of the tea and sweets is sooo cute! It would look great in an open shelf kitchen :) Lucky that you have a M&S back again. I remember the first time we visited London, we bought some food at M&S to have a picnic at Hyde Park, such a nice memory! :)