DIY: Crochet Giftbox


Why, hello 1 December! Yesterday night I actually dreamed about snow and winter landscape and I hope that dream will come true.
I also watched ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ (highly recommended!) which has lots of winter landscapes as well so maybe that’s the cause.

Let me start off with a DIY today: crochet gift box! Inspired by the upcoming holiday seasons indeed.

I’d also like to happy cheer for those who guessed it right about the expected crochet WIP here! It was indeed donuts that were also previewed at this post here and thank you for your compliments as well! Some even suggested (always welcome!) turning them into brooches which I think it’s totally a cute idea!

I might even say the same thing for these gift boxes and I hope you will try it out!
I have included handy gif. images as well c:


En ineens was het 1 december, wat gaat het snel! Gisteren nacht droomde ik over sneeuw en dit wonderlijke winterlandschap en ik hoop natuurlijk dat die droom zal uitkomen.
Maar gisteren heb ik ook de film 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' (een aanrader!) gekeken waarin winterlandschappen vaak voorbij kwamen dus dat zal wel de oorzaak van mijn droom geweest zijn…

Maar goed!
Laat ik maar beginnen met een DIY vandaag: een gehaakt cadeau doosje! Geïnspireerd door de aankomende feestdagen inderdaad.

Voor diegene die goed geraden hebben over de te verwachten WIP artikel hier, het waren inderdaad donuts! En de donuts waren uitgebreid hier te zien! Dank jullie wel voor jullie complimentjes ook nog eens! Sommige suggereerde (altijd welkom) zelfs om deze gehaakte donuts in broches te veranderen en dat is nog niet zo,n gek idee eigenlijk!

Waarschijnlijk kan ik ook hetzelfde zeggen over dit gehaakte cadeau doosjes en ik hoop dat je deze DIY uitprobeert! Ook heb ik handige gif. plaatjes hieronder toegevoegd die jullie helpen c:

Firstly: basic crochet techniques that is required in today's DIY! 

STEP 1: making the box
Finished the first side? Continue with the next side by single crochet the first row in the backloops first. Then repeat the whole process again until you reached the 6th row! Keep crocheting until you have identical 4 sides.


Working in the backloops creates creases which'll help folding the box easier and looks more natural! 

+ make 2 extra individual sides.
STEP 2: in merge
When you are done with all the sides (1x4 sides and 2 individual sides) you can now ensemble the box!
How to in merge the 4side box? Simply by connecting the last side with the first side by weaving the tail through the inner loops. 

( Make sure you leave a long tail (index finger long) because that's gonna be the thread that hold the gift box together! )

STEP 3: stuffing + a ribbon
How I stuff up: leftover yarn threads or polyester/cotton stuffing.

With any desired colored yarn, wrap your giftbox like a real giftbox!
Good luck!


  1. Leuk om cadeau te doen met een mooi briefje eraan of gewoon om je kamer mee te decoreren.

  2. I can't wait for Christmas! Teehee you could gift someone a variety of crochet gift boxes in a large gift box :P -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  3. Gosh this looks so cute!! I really should get back into crocheting again ^_^ you're so creative!

  4. Hah! These are sooo cutesy! I love love how creative you are! I can imagine a whole bunch of these in multicolors in a small basket, it'd be so adorable!

  5. So, so cute, as always!
    And I also loved watching The Grand Budapest Hotel!


  6. This is too cute! :) It adds a nice touch to gifts too! ^^

  7. So cute! I'm starting to learn to crochet cause of you, I love seeing your creations :') I'm starting out with a double crochet scarf and it looks pretty lumpy haha. Needs more practice!

    becky ♡ star violet

  8. Donut broches great idea! Another vote to that! :) Love the little gift boxes (as always when I see your posts I wish I knew how to crochet!) as a Christmas decoration!

  9. awww, you're so creative! I wanna make these to include in my christmas gifts :P


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