Project: Matcha green tea madeleines


One of the things that I really want to tick off of my baking-bucketlist are these French mini cakes called madeleines. You might have heard or seen them before because they have a typical look on them which are puffy shell forms. And isn't that just cute!

A while back I have bought another cute thing: silicone madeleine bakingtray! And it's pink! I was really happy with and knowing that I finally able to tick madeleines off of my baking-bucketlist.

I've done some recipe research and I've decided to go with the recipe from Bruno's Kitchen because 1. Bruno is French so it makes it more legit and 2. Bruno is a funny charming French guy with recipe steps in video on his Youtube channel! Seriously, his YT channel makes me drool everything. The only difference in this recipe is that I've add a dash of matcha powder to it. Just for the matcha and cake lovers out there you know.  

Een van de dingen die ik zo graag wil maken zijn de Franse mini cakejes genaamd madeleines. Misschien heb je ze weleens gezien want ze hebben een opvallende look: een schelp! En dat maakt madeleines extra schattig!

Een tijdje geleden kocht ik (bij de Lidl) een ander schattig iets, namelijk een siliconen madeleine bakmatje! In het roze nog wel! Ik was erg blij en kon dus eindelijk beginnen aan mijn madeleine baksels.

Eerst nog even onderzoek gedaan in het vinden van de juiste recepten en heb ik besloten om die van Bruno's Kitchen te gebruiken. Want 1. Bruno is Frans en daarom best valide en 2. Bruno is grappig en een echte charmeur en nuchter als Fransman zijnde én, hij heeft een Youtube kanaal met al zijn recepten videos! Eerlijk waar, zijn YT kanaal doet mij watertanden. Het enige verandering aan zijn recept is dat ik matcha poeder heb toegevoegd. 

de cursor
voor Nederlandse

2 eggs
115 gr melted butter
80 gr sugar
¼ tbsp. baking powder
2 tbsp. matcha powder
140 gr plain flour
Keep the melted butter warm!
Chill the batter for about and hour than add the (warm) melted butter to it and combine. It should look like this thick texture.
The difference between...
... the first time and the second time!
Ok. I love how anti-stick silicone baking trays and pans are but o boy what an effort to keep it clean! Especially this madeleine pan which everything sticks in the tiny nooks and crannies where sometimes I have to clean it out with a toothpick. I`m going to get myself a metal baking tray for Christmas.
The first time making madeleines came out pretty nice and tasty but it does not have that typical lump on top which a `real` madeleine needs and so for my second try-out I have changed the recipe a bit and it turned out beautiful and taste even better!
It looks like a whale.
Fresh madeleines are the best as you can taste this light buttery crispyness on the outside that melt straight away in your mouth...
The Steps
1. Shift and mix the flour, baking powder and matcha powder together and set aside.
2. Beat the eggs along with the sugar in a large bowl with a whisk until creamy and pale. Than add the shifted flour mixture and mix it together until well combined. Rest and chill the batter in the fridge for an hour. Meanwhile grease your madeleine pan and pre-heat oven to 250ºC degrees.
3. Add the warm melted butter to the chilled batter and fold everything until a smooth thick looking batter with a spoon/spatula. Spoon the batter right away in the madeleine pan (careful not to overscoop it!)
4. Ok, get a timer ready because you`re going to bake the madeleines the first 5 minutes in the pre-heated oven on 250ºC. Continue baking in a lower temperature of 180ºC for 7 min. Let the madeleines cool down inside the oven before serving.


  1. Oh these look so delicious, especially in the last three pictures when you put those madeleines in those cute little plates(?)(I don't know what to call things haha). And of course I love anything matcha! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  2. The Madeleine looks so good! :)

  3. Madeleines are so pretty but I've never tasted one! These sound so good.

  4. To be in your household! It must smell amazing all the time!

    nat // dignifiable

  5. They look so cute! I have never tried matcha and don't know how to find it! AH! Everyone keeps saying how delicious it is XP

  6. I love madeleines! These look so good :)


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