DIY: Tattoo Bracelets


Thank God it’s Friday because I have a DIY for you that you can fill the upcoming weekend with: tattoo choker bracelet! A popular and stretchy 90’s comeback jewellery with my own twist to it. Made with 0.45mm steel wire and a sliding square knot technique.

Pandahall was very kind to send me a set of colored steel wires (thank you) for tryout and I tried to crochet them. Crocheting steel wires is harder than with yarn but not impossible.
To keep life and matter simple, a tattoo choker bracelets is what came of.

Please try it out too! I’m actually going to make some for my friends as a so-called ‘friendship’ bracelets!  


Heerlijk, het is vrijdag want ik heb een DIY die jullie wellicht bezighouden in het weekend. Een populaire rekbare sieraad uit de jaren 90 en is weer helemaal terug van weggeweest: de tattoo armband/choker! In DIY vorm met mijn eigen draai en 0.45mm staaldraad met schuifknoop techniek.

PandaHall was zo vriendelijk om mij een set van gekleurde staaldraden te sturen (dank jullie wel!) om uit te proberen. Ik heb geprobeerd ermee te haken wat stuk lastiger was dan met wol bijvoorbeeld maar niet onmogelijk. Om het leven zo simpel te houden werd het dus een coole tattoo armband choker!

Ga het proberen! Ik heb een enkele gemaakt voor vrienden als ‘vriendschaparmbandjes’ en dat is best leuk!

You need:
0.45mm steel wire (I've used Pandahall), crochet hookpen size 5.0 - 7.0mm, nippers - optional: beads
0,45mm steel wire is a quite easy to work with as it almost feels like waxed cotton cord.
The ones from Pandahall also comes in many colors too which is nice.
Instructions: basic crochet = tattoo! 
1. measure the steel wire by wrapping the steel wire around your wrist 4-5 times + leaving extra for tail. 
2. time to create tattoos! It's pretty much the same as creating chain stitches with yarn: start with a slip knot followed with the chain stitches. The size of the stitch depends on how big the hookpen is. Make sure you pull it tight. 
3. once you've reached the desired length, pull the wire through the last chain stitch and leave a tail. 

Close & open

Making a sliding knot is a good and easy way to secure your bracelet around your wrist. Hover above the image for the instructions. A tip: for tighter pulling use pliers.
To avoid the two ends of the bracelet escaping from the sliding knot, you can make a few knots at the end or! Make a knot by using beads at the end of the wire!

Double trouble?

Feeling creative and challenged? Try to crochet with 2 steel wires at the same time! 


  1. This is such a cool idea, and seems like it's a lot of fun to make!

  2. Super creative and aesthetic omg!! Saw the title and definitely had to check this out!!

  3. These are really pretty! If only I could crochet....

  4. This worked out great! I had no idea that they were so easy. Well, I'd probably mess it up...

  5. This brought back fond memories of making these bracelets as a kid. :) So cute! xo

  6. I think I like the double better :D Memories from my childhood are flooding back! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  7. i really love how the double wires turned out! definitely a great diy option for those that want a tattoo bracelet/necklace.


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