Making Apollo chocolates (FAILED)


If you have watched my Candysan haul Youtube video here, you might have spot an Apollo chocolate DIY kit in it. And I’m finally made a post about it. As the title reveals I’ve failed. Presentation way. Yes, I'm not perfect!

Yet. The chocolate itself didn’t taste bad. The extra mini sprinkles/candies were a nice addition giving a nice crunchyness to the chocolate. Though I thought the real Apollo deal were a lot more tastier than mine were as mine were oily (weird). I’m just happy that I have the  molds as I’m keeping it for any future projects/DIY’s c:    


Als je mijn Candysan shoplog hebt gekeken op Youtube dan heb je waarschijnlijk ook mijn Apollo chocolade DIY kit gezien. En dat laat ik met deze post zien. En die is verdoemd mislukt helaas. Betreffend het uiterlijk dan, want hij smaakte best ok! Vooral de bijhorende mini discoballetjes geven het een lekkere bite.

Hoewel ik de echte Apollo chocolaatjes liever opeet want deze smaken voor mij gevoel iets te vettig, gek genoeg. Ik ben allang blij met de gietvormpjes. Die ga ik bewaren voor toekomstige projectjes!
I blame the failing for the water. Maybe the water wasn't hot enough.... 

Keeping the mold!

That doesn't look good.....

 Nope it doesn't. 

I hope you did a better job than I have :P 


  1. Hahaha that looks funny, but maybe was fun try~

  2. ahah omg, zo grappig ><! Eigenlijk kon je zo'n set ook gebruiken voor andere doeleinde ;o. Bijvoorbeeld cupcakes versieren haha. Misschien de volgende keer beter :b?

  3. Zie zien er inderdaad wat minder uit, maar ik denk als je normale chocolade gebruikt komt het weer goed :)

  4. I love this chocolate!

  5. Awww... well maybe next time you will make them look nice.

    xxDenysia Yu

  6. Hahahaha it looks a bit scary!!

  7. Aww too bad they didn't turn out as expected! The idea is super cute though.

  8. The pink kinda looks like brain haha :-)
    But this was such a cute idea!

  9. omg this is still so cute nonetheless! and hey, i'll take chocolate in however shape or form haha!

  10. Thanks for your lovely words on my last post!
    Too bad it didn't turn out well! Thanks for sharing anyways!

    Have a great day,

  11. Aw, hopefully it works out better next time. :)

  12. awww awesome how there is a kit for this!

  13. Haha XD That looks so cute actually. I think I would fail as well, but as long as they taste well, it's still okey, isn't it? :P

  14. Cute! I love their textures.

  15. Hahahhaa, love that you share this with us anyway! It looks so much fun to do :) It's a pity that they tasted oily, but I'm sure next project with the molds will be a hit!

  16. That's a shame that it didn't turn out as well as you were hoping it would turn out. At least is still tasted good though!


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